
Archive for July, 2005

I know, I know. All of my children are still pretty little. But I can see them growing up in their own stages, and boy…it’s kind of scary. Just now, F3 and F4 were playing with a pony and a little Gingerbread (which is a Strawberry Shortcake character, for those of you who are uninformed). F3, the mature six year old, informed her younger sister that Gingerbread cannot fly, because she doesn’t have wings. Wait a minute! When did reality invade their play?!?! So F4 promptly said that she was pretending Gingerbread has wings. Hold up! She’s only three. Is she supposed to know that she’s pretending?

I know growing up has to happen. And I do know its a wonderful thing. But it is also a hard thing. I’m watching my babies turn into children, my children turn into teens, and all too soon, my teens will be turning into adults. And then I’ll have to really let them go. Looking far into that future, I know the people that I want my kids to be. I want them to be humble servants, good listeners, and strong in their faith. Am I doing all that I should to encourage this? Honestly, I don’t thinks so.

But I do think one of the strongest things that I can do is pray for them. Pray for their souls, for their minds, for their bodies, and that the Lord works a miracle that causes them to become new creatures in Him. I pray for their future spouses, and for the spouse and parent that they will be in the future. I pray about what I should be doing now to develop in them all that God wants them to be. And when those scary thoughts of them leaving me for their own adult life start creeping up on me, I place them gently in the Hand that has held me so closely, knowing that they will be safe from harm with Him.

However, I’m reminded by a fun song from Rich Mullins, faith without works is like a screendoor on a submarine. It just ain’t happening. So, I’ve got to put feet to my prayers and be a good mom, teaching all to my children that the Lord would have me. This includes much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Much more even than keeping a house (which I’m still struggling with myself) and all those practical skills that come with adulthood. But to be a servant to them, while keeping them humble. Listening to them, while teaching them that they have to listen too. By modeling my own walk with God, not hiding it in the morning with the excuse that I need to concentrate, but living it out in the daily life that they see. May my children see Jesus through me, and grow to an adulthood filled with His grace and His presence.

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