
Archive for November, 2008

I guess because Thanksgiving was so late this year, I didn’t realize that Advent was already on the horizon. Thankfully, I read a blog (which I can’t remember the name of) that informed me of Advent’s imminent arrival. That blog linked to this one: Our Grace Journey which has posted on it some excellent sheets to do an Inductive Method Advent Study. We’re going to ditch the calendar this year (only because last year’s got ruined in storage and I don’t have the ink to print another one) and do this study. It looks fun and interesting, as well as an excellent introduction to Inductive Bible Study. This is the first free book for Advent that I’ve seen that was so well-laid out, informative, and multi-level. I’m excited!

I fished out the Advent Wreath from the basement and am now contemplating where I will put it. I think it will go on an ugly card table, covered with a red tablecloth and set in front of a window. F6 will not stay away from it, I already know. I will have to diligently train him to keep his cute little paws off of it.

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Moving Day

We’re moving into our living room today! Hooray!

Our house is made up of three separate sections: House Proper (the original house, a log cabin – now with gray vinyl siding – with a loft/second story), The Center Section (which includes the living room, Mom’s bedroom, bath, and sitting room, the foyer, the laundry room, another bathroom – someday, and a huge closet – someday), and Over The Garage (which is closed off to the outside, yet completely unfinished, but will house the bedrooms once it is done).

We’ve been living in House Proper since moving in July ’07. Mr. Nutt finished up Mom’s sitting room (which she’s using as a bedroom) and bath (except for the sink, she uses the tub) this summer and got the furnace working and insulation up on the walls to the rest of The Center Section this fall. The living room was drywalled when we bought the house, but we’ve only used it as a large storage area for holiday decorations and craft stuff. Mr. Nutt decided recently that we need to get using that part of the house, since we are heating it now. Our dining room in House Proper will now be an extension of the kitchen, and the current HP living room will be the dining area. The kids bedroom is upstairs. My library/office/need-to-get-away room is also up there. Mr. Nutt and my bedroom is next to the kitchen , and then there is The-Bathroom-That’s-Not-A-Bathroom, which is where most of the craft stuff is now being stored. Go ahead, ask me why it’s named that. If I get enough requests, I may just explain this house to you a little better!

I’m taking a break. F1, my normal go-to kid for work like this is gone to a science expo with some other kids, and I’m whipped out. I’ve almost got the living room (in The Center Section) emptied out, but now House Proper is filled with all the stuff I’ve been not wanting to deal with for a year. I need to go through it and decide where to put what, what will go to the basement for storage, and what I’ll do with what is staying up here. The sad thing is, I’m going to put all the Christmas stuff in the basement, only to bring it up in a month. Sigh.

But I’m very happy about the move. It will be nice to stretch out a little, put up the food cupboards and have more cupboard space for cooking stuff in the kitchen. It’ll be nice to live in the beautiful living room (even if the floors aren’t finished and the walls aren’t painted). I would have taken pictures, but now boxes are everywhere and nobody wants to see that. It will just make you feel sorry for me.

Keep praying for work. Mr. Nutt and I are really, really relying on God, but things aren’t going well right now.

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